Let’s take action together: Reduce waste for a better future!

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  • Let’s take action together: Reduce waste for a better future!

Analyses of waste collection quantities for 2022 and 2021 reveal that 64% of all household waste in Dollard-des-Ormeaux ends up in the garbage and goes directly to landfill. Yet, according to Recyc-Québec studies, 80% of this waste could be recycled or composted. This finding, while concerning, shows that there is still considerable room for collective improvement!

All too often, we still throw things away without thinking. Yet much of what we think of as waste is not really waste at all.

Costly and permanent consequences

In addition to its environmental impact, landfilling waste is costly for the city and its residents. Each time waste is collected, it is weighed, and the city must pay additional fees if quantities exceed set quotas. What’s more, this mismanagement of waste has negative consequences for the environment: mountains of waste accumulate, producing pollution and taking decades, even centuries, to decompose.

A step forward!

As part of its environmental commitments, the City has set ambitious targets for reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill. Your daily actions are essential to building a greener future and generating savings for our community.

Feel like taking action? It’s easier than you think. Adopt the 3Rs today to reduce your waste and maximize its reuse.

  1. Reduce: Say goodbye to single-use items and opt for sustainable, reusable alternatives.
  2. Reuse: Give your objects a second life instead of throwing them away.
  3. Recover: Sort your residual materials properly to maximize recycling and composting. To guide you, download Recyc-Québec’s “Ça va où? application.

From October 21 to 27, 2024, take part in the Quebec Waste Reduction Week! It’s the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate our habits and help reduce our ecological footprint. To find out more, check out the municipal library’s books on good environmental practices. And stay tuned for upcoming activities to help us work together to reduce waste and build a better future for our city.

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