Some paving work will begin next week in front of the City Hall. The work will be carried out in two (2) phases, as shown on the plan below.
Phase 1 of the work, shown in red on the plan, will take place in front of the main entrance to the city hall. If weather conditions permit before winter, the work will continue with phase 2, in yellow on the plan, otherwise it will be postponed until spring 2025. Stay tuned for updates on our website, social networks and newsletter.
Work schedule and accessibility:
The work on phase 1 will start at 7 a.m. on Monday, October 28 . To facilitate the movement of visitors during the work, the City will maintain secure access via the main entrance to City Hall (door #2) or via the entrance to the Civic Center (door #3). If these entrances are closed, please access the building via door #1 on boulevard De Salaberry, or at the rear of the building on the library side.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Public Works Department