The City of Dollard-des-Ormeaux continues to offer its services, some in different ways. For example, some are available by appointment, others online. We are committed to continuing to serve you well, while protecting your health and the health of our employees. We invite you to continue to visit our website ville.ddo.qc.ca for up-to-date information, or call us at 514-684-1010.


City teams continue to provide a large portion of municipal services, such as accessto clean water, emergency services, collections, permits, and inspections.


Rest assured that we do everything in our power to be there for you despite the circumstances. We count on your usual cooperation.

The service provided by the City’s commissioners of oaths is available only to residents. You can make an appointment by calling 514-684-1010.


Do not come to the City without an appointment, as our offices remain closed.

Forms for these services are available here. You can fill them out and send them to us in three ways:
– by email (ville@ddo.qc.ca)
– by mail
– by placing your request in the mailbox right outside City Hall (Door #2)

Each Service has an email address where you can send your questions. Note that if your question is about a permit, a particular service or a request where you need to fill out a form,you will need to check the online services on our website before sending your email.


General requests: ville@ddo.qc.ca


Urban Planning and Engineering: aui_upe@ddo.qc.ca


Recreation, sports and culture: loisirs@ddo.qc.ca


Public Works: travauxpublics@ddo.qc.ca


Library: bibliotheque@ddo.qc.ca


Communications section: communications@ddo.qc.ca

Collection delays, operations underway. Thank you for your patience!