Drinking water conservation


The City of Dollard-des-Ormeaux would like to raise awareness of the value of water and reduce the use of this precious resource.

Less than 1 % of the earth’s water supply can be used as drinking water. Using water efficiently and avoiding waste are fundamental to ensuring water availability in the future. Every little drop helps, so let’s all make an effort today!

Want to know your water consumption at home?

Take the test

to assess your blue footprint

Did you know that…

Indoor household use by fixture

*The “Other” category includes evaporative cooling, humidification, water softening, and other uncategorized indoor uses

Source: Water Research Foundation, Residential End Use of Water, Version 2, April 2016.

A few tips to reduce your water usage Inside

WaterSense certified or low flow toilets
Faucet aerators in the bathroom
Faucet aerators in the kitchen
WaterSense certified shower heads
EnergyStar certified dishwashers
Energy Star certified washing machines

Want a new WaterSense certified showerhead?

The City offers free water and energy saving product kits.


Other Relevant Information

Metropolitan Waste Management Plan 2015-2020

The Council of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal adopted at its regular meeting held on June 18, 2020, “By-law number 2020-84 amending by-law number 2016-68 on the 2015-2020 metropolitan residual materials management plan”. Find all the information here (French only). 



Looking to be environmentally responsible, have a water metre installed!

The Quebec Strategy for Drinking Water Conservation, adopted by the Quebec government, requires all municipalities to prepare an audit on water use and to reduce the quantity of water distributed per person.

In order to comply with this government directive, the City must install residential water metres on a voluntary basis. The data collected will be used to establish statistics on water consumption in the territory and to detect and locate leaks more quickly, thus avoiding waste.

The City will provide and install the water metre free of charge.

  • Managing drinking water consumption: adopting or adjusting consumption habits and avoiding waste;
  • Encouraging drinking water conservation: monitor your water consumption in real-time to encourage water-saving practices that will help preserve this essential natural resource;
  • Leak detection: identify and repair leaks more quickly;
  • Detecting plumbing problems: observe variations in water consumption (e.g. leaky toilets, dripping indoor or outdoor taps, etc.);
  • A new water shutoff valve: replace the internal valve to ensure that the water supply inside the house is hermetically sealed, reducing the risk of water damage.

Take advantage of this opportunity to embrace an environmentally friendly attitude and contribute to this project!

Contact us by email at compteursdeau@ddo.qc.ca or by phone at 514 684‑1010.

Collection delays, operations underway. Thank you for your patience!