Good news! Work on the new tennis/pickleball courts and basketball court is now complete. Come and play with family, friends or neighbors for a relaxed or frenzied game. You decide!
Some practical information:
- No reservations required; first-come, first-served basis.
- The ground markings are suitable for both tennis and pickleball.
- The regulations for tennis/pickleball courts can be found here: Tennis and Picklleball Courts Regulations
- The conditions of the facilities are available on our website: Conditions of facilities
- To ensure fair sharing of unreserved facilities, please give up your place after one hour’s play to the next people in line. You could also invite them to play with you or against you! You decide!
Looking for an opponent to hone your pickleball skills? Register with the West Island Pickleball Association. Games are played at Westminster Park and Sunnybrooke Park from 8:30 a.m. to noon, until the outdoor sports fields close (a portion of the fields is reserved for this group). For further information: West Island Pickleball Club
Terry-Fox Park’s new tennis/pickleball and basketball courts are ready. It’s decided: one, two, three, go… have fun!