Following the April 5 freezing rain event, the City is preparing to complete the first round of street branch collection next week and resume summer public works operations gradually.
A second round of branch collection is scheduled to take place on an ongoing basis, so there is no need to contact Public Works directly to collect your branches as usual. We are aware that there are still many branches to be collected on the territory and we thank you for your patience.
As of next week, our arboriculture and pruning crews will be focusing on cleaning up the parks (trails, green spaces, sports fields, etc.) for the summer season. We hope that this will contribute to a safe and pleasant environment for all our residents.
Finally, we would like to remind citizens that as of May 1, 2023, the regular procedure for tree cutting permit requests will be back. It will no longer be possible to cut down private trees without a permit application as of this date. We encourage all residents to respect this regulation to protect our environment and our tree heritage.
For more information on the evaluation or authorization of tree cutting, please contact us at 514 684-1010 or click here.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation!